There’s Evil Embedded In Good Things

Pst Olumide Akinrinlola I was with Pst Babatunde Iyanda five years ago. While he was opening my understanding to some certain questions I asked him, he said: "my son, there is evil embedded in every good things of this world. Though he explained, but I never rest mediating on this statement some days after. Then, I remember that I had once written a gospel article titled : "Success Is A Friend of Many Challenges". This therefore encouraged me to write about this statement as titled above. It shows that before we possess anything good, we will pass through some evil

By |March 14th, 2024|Categories: Knowing The Kingdom|Tags: |0 Comments

The devil is on the pulpit

By Pastor Olumide Akinrinlola Bible says that we cannot know when the end will come, yet we are given certain signs that revealed the end time. Part of these signs are explained in the book of 2nd Timothy chapter 3 vs 1-4 and second Timothy chapter 4 from verse 3-4. The Bible says : “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 2 Timothy 4: 3-4

By |March 12th, 2024|Categories: Knowing The Kingdom|Tags: |0 Comments

When a child of God does not have God

Pst Akinrinlola Olumide Six things must not be missing in the life of a believer. They are: the fire of God, the word of God, the power of God, the authority of God, the Love of God, and the Double ‘S’. The Fire of God Hebrew 12:29 says Our God is a consuming fire. So if God is a consuming fire and you don't have such fire, then, you are a child of God that does not have God. Anyone without the fire of God is empty. A child of God must carry the fire of God. This is because

By |March 10th, 2024|Categories: Knowing The Kingdom|Tags: |0 Comments

Why you are poor even though you have money

Pst Olumide Akinrinlola "Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature.(Matthew 6:27) God does not want us to brood over anything especially the worldly things of this generation. But unfortunately, we think too much. We think about so many things of this world; but we feel too little. We think about food, money, cloth, house and all the luxuries of this world and forget the day our mouth will reject food. We forget the day our spirit will become helpless. We forget the day our physical body will be laid to rest. We forget the

One Round of Sex

Pst Olumide Akinrinlola I will not bore you with the story of a man who destroyed his future sometimes last year through fornication, neither will I regal you with how a man LOST EVERYTHING due to fornication. This message is to open your understanding about how you can rule your world or ruin your destiny through fornication, or adultery (one round of sex ). Bible commanded us to flee fornication (1st Corinthian 6:18). Fornication is a sin will commit with our body. It's a bit difference from other sin. That's why bible asked us to flee fornication. Colossian 3:5 described

By |March 8th, 2024|Categories: Knowing The Kingdom|Tags: |0 Comments

Is it wrong for a woman to wear trouser?

By Pst Olumide Akinrinlola Is it wrong for a woman to wear trouser? The answer is Capital No. Just like we have a female pant so also we have a male pant. This applies to a trouser as well. We have a woman’s trouser and we have a male trouser. Every country has their cultures before colonisation. In the eastern part of Nigeria and in the South - South for example, their men are wearing wrapper clothes with a shirt and a cap to match. In other part of the same Nigeria, some other tribes believed that wrapper clothing are

By |March 7th, 2024|Categories: Knowing The Kingdom|Tags: |0 Comments

Why your dead relatives can’t rest in peace

Pst Olumide Akinrinlola I laughed at most burial when I see people praying for the departed soul of the deceased. This is because the prayer is meaningless and unfruitful. Bible says: "For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten." (Ecclesiastes 9:5). It is indeed a long term church tradition exhibited in a long term deceit and ignorance. Many churches, pastors and ministers are guilty of this. The deceased who died as an unrepentant sinner cannot rest in peace no

Another Revelation! The Difference Between The Word of God and The Bible

Pst Akinrinlola Olumide There is a difference between the Bible and the Word of God. The difference is that the Book in your hand is called the Bible. The Bible is not the WORD of God but only testifies of Him. The Bible contains words of God but it is not the Word. The Bible is just a book written by men inspired by God. (2Tim 3:16). The Word of God is Jesus Himself. John 1:1 says, in the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” The “Word herein means human being

The Only Escape From Your Trouble

Pst Akinrinlola Olumide ”These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world (John 16 :33).” This scripture reveals that there is trouble in all nations. There is no need to run here or there for escape. There are challenges and tribulations every where. There is no true, or solid piece to be enjoyed in the world. No country or state can actually give you the core solution to that problem. SPIRITUAL FREEDOM from any battle does not arise

By |March 3rd, 2024|Categories: Knowing The Kingdom|Tags: |0 Comments

What You Have At Hands?

Pst Olumide Akinrinlola No human being is empty. Whatever you have in your hands can determine your destiny. Every problem can be solved base on what you have at hands. And what you have at hands can be the genesis and foundation of that problem. In 1 Samuel 17, David had a sling and a stone at hands and he used it to kill the mighty Goliath. God used ordinary sling and a stone in the hands of David to help David killed Goliath and promoted him. God used the Rod in the hands of Moses in the book of

By |January 26th, 2024|Categories: Knowing The Kingdom|Tags: |0 Comments
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